Dear Friends of Puyallup United Methodist Church,
Eighteen months ago during our Puyallup UMC Lenten Study, we explored different justice issues affecting our country and our community. At the end of the study, small groups were asked to identify the justice issue they would most like to see our church commit to working on. Every group responded by naming the issue of homelessness. At a soup supper at the church, ideas began to surface about how we might engage in that work together.
The end of our Lenten study of Rev. Dr. William Barber II’s book “Revive Us Again” in April of 2019. We came together to discuss how we could work for justice with those who are homeless.
Since the pandemic, ministry with those experiencing homelessness has taken on additional urgency. As you probably know, the number of people experiencing homelessness has increased dramatically in recent months and as a result of the pandemic, the Freezing Nights program in Puyallup will not operate this winter. We also have been asked by our District Superintendent, Rev. Kathleen Weber, and Associated Ministries to consider how we might use our church resources to meet the needs of our neighbors experiencing homelessness.
Over the summer, a team at Puyallup UMC formed to explore this question by learning more about a new pilot program in Pierce County called The Safe Parking Network. This program supports families and individuals experiencing homelessness while living in their vehicles. Congregations serve as host sites, providing a safe place for people to park their vehicles and sleep in the church parking lot. Families and individuals who participate in the program also are connected with services and assistance. By participating in this program, churches help guests to access resources and support to find stable housing for themselves and their families.
The Safe Parking Team has been having conversations with Church Council over the last few months about this ministry opportunity. Pastor Cara has had initial conversations with PlayCare and the team plans to have future conversations with them, our surrounding neighbors as well as the City of Puyallup.
Church Council has approved the Safe Parking Team to move forward with these conversations, beginning with our congregation. Below you will find a list of detailed questions and answers about the Safe Parking program. If you have further questions, please contact either Pastor Cara or Pastor Melinda. If you would like to volunteer to be a part of this program or receive more information about volunteer opportunities, please contact John Adams at
In Christ,
Rev. Cara Scriven Rev. Melinda Giese
Safe Parking Questions & Answers
What is the goal of this program?
The mission of the Safe Parking Program is to provide a safe place for families living in their vehicles so that they may rest and receive support. Our hope is that every guest in the program will find the resources and support they need to find permanent housing.
Who will be eligible to participate in Safe Parking at our church?
Our program will focus on families, specifically adults with one or more minors. One of the most dramatic changes in recent times is the increase in the number of youth and children who experience homelessness. Providing a safe place to park for these families will help one of the most vulnerable groups in our community.
What services are provided at the site?
We will provide parking spaces that are spread out to ensure social distancing rules are followed. Guests will have space for their vehicle to park. We will have portable toilets, hand washing stations, garbage services and connection to outreach services. We will have a dedicated contact person that is the point of contact for the community. A Program Manager from the Safe Parking Network will provide oversight and support.
Will sites follow COVID-19 protocols from the CDC?
All Safe Parking Network sites will follow all recommendations, requirements and protocols from the Pierce County Health Department and CDC. This will include an onsite consult and tour of the site before opening to ensure the site is safe and all social distancing techniques are in place.
Will this program cause more people to park in our church neighborhood?
No. One goal of the Safe Parking Network is to decrease the number of unsanctioned vehicles illegally parking on city streets and in neighborhoods. This program will finally give these families and individuals living in their vehicles a safe and sanctioned place to sleep overnight. Currently, families or individuals living in vehicles have no safe or sanctioned option for car camping in Pierce County. Families and individuals accepted into the program are the only ones permitted to stay at the site. No visitors will be allowed at the sites.
How are the sites and guests kept safe?
During intake, volunteers ensure that guests understand and agree to the rules, restrictions, and responsibilities associated with the Safe Parking program. Guests are expected to engage with outreach services, enroll in coordinated entry and take advantage of this temporary opportunity. There is zero tolerance for predatory, violent or harassing behavior at the site. Drug and alcohol use and possession are strictly prohibited. No firearms or weapons are allowed on the property. Guests will also sign a “Good Neighbor Agreement” and are expected to keep the site clean and avoid disruptive behavior. We also will have an on-call phone number that guests, volunteers and neighbors will be able to use to communicate any concerns or problems with the program. Leaders of the program will respond to these calls and be able to address any problems before they become unmanageable. Quiet hours will last from 9:30 pm to 8:00 am. No sex offenders or individuals with open warrants will be allowed at the site. Site management also will work closely with local law enforcement agencies and fire departments to ensure the site and surrounding community are safe.