Music Ministries
Music is celebrated here at Puyallup UMC as one way we worship and connect with God. We have a variety of groups leading worship during our services on Sunday mornings and are blessed regularly with other special music.
Traditional Worship at 9 am on Sundays
Contemporary Worship at 10:30 am on Sundays
Faith Singers Choir
Our Traditional Worship service is blessed to have the Faith Singers choir leading our music on Sunday mornings with classical hymns and special arrangements. The choir practices weekly from September through June. New singers are always welcome! Contact the church office to get put in touch with the director.
Contemporary Worship team—The Found
Our new contemporary worship team, The Found, leads worship on Sundays at 10:30 am during the Contemporary Worship service. Their band plays contemporary Christian music as well as modernized versions of old classics. If you’re an experienced musician who may be interested in getting involved, reach out to the band director to learn more about the audition process.
Music: Attr. to B. F. White, 1844; Handbell Arrangement by: Larry Sue, Copyright: Choraegus Handbell Music Used with Permission
Handbell Choirs—Rejoice! Ringers and the Daffodil Valley Ringers
We have two handbell choirs here at Puyallup UMC. It’s always a gift when our Rejoice! Ringers handbell choir performs for us during Traditional Worship on Sundays and special events.
The Daffodil Valley Ringers is a community choir (a ministry of Puyallup UMC) and performs in the larger community. This group is for more advanced ringers and includes members from other handbell choirs across the Puget Sound. Email the office if you’d like more information on either of these groups.