labyrinth Project
After several months of praying, planning, and pursuing bids, the Puyallup UMC Prayer Labyrinth project is underway! This exciting new addition and enhancement to our church campus with a permanent prayer labyrinth installation will be a gift to ourselves and the surrounding community. People from all over the South Sound area, other churches, and beyond will come to use it. Read on to learn more about the history of the labyrinth and how you can help us build ours!
“The labyrinth is a path: it invites you to take a pilgrimage.” ”
What Is a Labyrinth?
A labyrinth is an ancient prayer tool designed to encourage us to be present with God in mind, body, and spirit. It is not a maze; there is only one pathway in and out. As you walk your way through, you can relax and listen to God. You can’t get lost. You’ll either make your way back to where you started or find yourself in the center. The winding path can be experienced as a metaphor for our journey with Christ. In the Middle Ages, labyrinths gave everyone an opportunity to go on a pilgrimage during a time when a journey to Jerusalem would have been costly and potentially dangerous. Over the last several decades the labyrinth has been rediscovered as a prayer practice.
Our Labyrinth
The first labyrinth pattern is thousands of years old. The Christian pattern, named after the one at the Chartres Cathedral in France, was developed in the 13th century. Our labyrinth installation will follow the Chartres design. The pattern in Chartres has 11 circles or “circuits.” Our labyrinth will be the 7 outer circuits of the Chartres pattern so that the path can be shorter and wider than the temporary painted one we had on the lawn last summer. Our labyrinth will be painted on concrete that is level across all areas with paved walkways to make it welcoming for people of all abilities.
How to Walk the labyrinth
Before a walk, you can set your intention by beginning with a scripture reading. Take some deep breaths and try quieting your mind to listen for the Holy Spirit. Feel the physical sensations around you: the smells, the sounds, the elements. As you “travel” toward the center rose, allow your cares and concerns to release. Empty and quiet yourself before God. Once you reach the center, stay there as long as you like. Tell God what is on your heart. Spend a moment in prayer. When you are ready, follow the pathway back. The average walk takes about 15-20 minutes, but feel free to spend some time and go at your own pace.
what to expect
This is the layout of the design plans—you can see the education and classroom wing of our church building in the upper right corner. The labyrinth, the fire pit gathering area, and walkways will all be poured concrete. Once the concrete has cured, the labyrinth design will be painted. The whole area will be flat and fully accessible. Eventually, we'll design landscaping with privacy trees and possibly an additional walking path in front of the garden.
What happens next?
The environmental impact study has been completed, and the civil engineering report has been submitted to the City of Puyallup for permit approval. Then we can schedule the concrete work. It will be a many-layered process taking place over the next few months, and work is dependent on the weather.
Our Goal
Our goal is to have the prayer labyrinth ready for use before the end of the summer of 2024!
How You Can Help
Now is the time for all of us to be in continual prayer support for this project. Our total estimated cost for this project is $53,500. Our Church Council has approved the use of $10,000 from the Morton Trust Fund. We also have a matching challenge donation of $10,000 from a Puyallup UMC member family. That leaves us with $33,500 left to raise. Donations of any amount will help us reach the goal of fully underwriting this exciting new ministry.
Walking with the Spirit
We invite you to join us in “Walking with the Spirit” by supporting this new outreach project financially as a part of our fundraising campaign. There are several levels of support from which you can choose:
Fifty steps for $500
Ten steps for $100
Five steps for $50
One step for $10
And of course, any amount you wish.
Every gift and every giver is both needed and appreciated! If you’d like show your support for this project by making a contribution, click on the donation button below.
Next Steps
Be sure to check back here on our website for upcoming photos and progress updates. You can also follow us on social media by clicking on the links at the bottom of this page. If you’re a Puyallup UMC member, be sure to check out our “Walking with the Spirit” progress chart on the church bulletin board. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact Pastor Doug. Thank you for helping us Build the Labyrinth and we look forward to walking the path with you.