Rev. Cara Scriven, Lead Pastor
Dear Friends,
I am writing to you to express my sincere apology. Last week, prior to our communication with you about the Safe Parking Program that the Church Council has been discussing, some of our members learned about the program from their neighbors and social media. This was wrong as you should have heard it directly from me. For this, I sincerely apologize.
On Monday, October 19th, our Safe Parking Team filed a “Letter of Notice for Application” with the City of Puyallup. While the team’s intention was to gather information from the city, we know now that this was not the best way to do so. Unfortunately, this letter filtered out to the community, neighbors, and Puyallup Playcare staff and parents before we had begun to execute our communication plan. In addition, it created the false impression that we are ready to implement the program despite us not being prepared to do so.
The pastoral staff, Church Council Chairs, and Lay Leaders of the Church met with the Safe Parking Team on Sunday. Following this conversation, we formally withdrew the Letter of Notice with the City and have written apology letters to Playcare parents and staff. The Safe Parking Team will be refocusing their attention on communicating better with our community.
I have also spoken to members who are concerned about how this program will impact Playcare. I want to assure you that our congregational leadership will continue to work with Playcare to ensure all of their concerns are addressed before we move forward with this ministry. If we cannot address their concerns adequately or if our ministry impacts their licensing, we will not enact the Safe Parking Ministry. We also anticipate having further conversation with the Playcare’s board, staff, and with their parents to explain the program and to hear their concerns.
While we still are considering this ministry, we are far from ready to enact it. Our communication plan has us speaking first with our congregation, then with Playcare and with our surrounding neighbors. We hope that you will participate in these conversations and express your concerns and hopes for the program with us.
On a personal note, I also want to apologize for any lack of leadership or oversight on my part that led to this situation. I know that miscommunication can breed a lack of trust. For this, I humbly ask for your forgiveness. I pray that together we can continue to work to care for the least among us.