Small Group Gatherings

Below are some of the small group gatherings offered here at Puyallup UMC. These groups are particularly focused on how we serve each other here at PUMC. Growing relationships and being in community together is important to us. To learn more about how we serve others within our greater community visit our Outreach Ministries page.

Group meetings are held in person or virtually using Zoom. Some are hybrid sessions with both options for attending. See the weekly church email updates for the Zoom links, or you can contact your group leader. Helpful instructions on using Zoom can be found here.

If you’re not already involved in a group and would like to be, email the church office to be put in touch with the group leader.

Pastor’s Bible Study — Tuesdays @ 9 am

Our Pastor’s Bible Study group meets on Tuesdays at 9 am.

This is an interactive conversation where we read and discuss the Scripture text for the following Sunday. Everyone is welcome.

This is a hybrid small group session—meaning that participants have the option to attend in-person or on Zoom utilizing our Owl system. We will be meeting in the Library room.

Pastor’s COntemplative Prayer Sessions — Mondays @ 12:15 pm

Join Pastor Margaret for a moment of quiet contemplation together as we seek to make time for reflection and prayer through a centering midday reset.

This is a Zoom-only meeting, so join us during your lunch hour. Even if you can’t log in for that half hour, feel free to take a moment knowing that we’re praying together and that God hears us even when we’re apart. Everyone is welcome.


This group reads a book together and discusses it on the last Thursday of the Month at 7 pm.

These meetings will be held on Zoom until the spring. All are invited.

Look for the monthly reading selection in our email and print newsletters. If you’re not on our email list, click here to get signed up.

Art Words and Yoga — Wednesdays & Saturdays @ 10:00 AM

$10 suggested donation

Physical self-care is just as important to our health and well-being as any mental health or spiritual practice. Our A.W.A.Y. classes are designed to offer the ancient and everyday practice of yoga instruction woven together with the healing joy of art and words.

Participants begin with a brief art and writing exercise to set their intentions for practice and then move into a 20-30 minute yoga sequence. No previous art or yoga experience is required—accommodations for differing mobility levels, including chair yoga, are optional as well. Paper and markers are provided. Participants should bring a yoga mat and any props they would like such as a pillow or block.

Classes are led by Karrie Zylstra Myton, M.Ed., RYT 200. Visit to learn more.

Men’s Breakfast — 2nd SAturday of the Month @ 8:00 am

Our Men’s Breakfast Group meets at 8 am on the second Saturday of every month at Charlie’s Restaurant in downtown Puyallup (click here for directions).

All men (he/him, they/them) of the church are welcome to join for a time of sharing and fellowship. No RSVP needed, we’ll see you there!

Peace & Justice Group — 2nd Sunday of the Month @ 11:30 am

Our Peace & Justice Study Group meets on the second Sunday of every month in the Church Library (Room 1) after worship at 11:30 am.

This group aims to address concerns about peace and justice by not only discussing but also taking action (ex. communicating with elected representatives and supporting community initiatives).

Its focus is on human rights such as peacebuilding, immigration, indigenous peoples, and more. All are guided by the Social Principles outlined in the "Faith and Facts" cards from the United Methodist Church’s General Board of Church and Society.

This is an in-person-only class at this time. Join us in putting feet to our faith.

Spiritual Growth Group — Mondays @ 6:00 PM

The “Verses and Vittles” Spiritual Growth group meets in person from 6-7:30 pm in the Fireside Room on Monday evenings.

This group is currently in the middle of the Covenant Bible Study series, a 24-week experience that covers all the books of the Bible and shows the interconnectedness of scripture while demonstrating how the covenant relationship between God and people is woven throughout the entire Bible

Sharing our sorrow (SOS) — 1st Thursday of the month @ 1:30 PM

A monthly support group for anyone grieving a significant loss.

While we often think of the death of a loved one as the reason to join such a group, there are many other kinds of losses that might be shared: the loss of employment, health, a friendship or even a beloved pet. Through the simple act of sitting in a circle and speaking of our grief, we open the opportunity for others to sympathize, empathize, and offer encouragement.

Resources, both printed and online, will be shared. The initial monthly meeting is planned for Thursday, April 4, at 1:30pm in the Fireside Room.

Caring for Caregivers (CFC) — 2nd Thursday of the month @ 1:30 PM

This group will offer support and encouragement to people caring for a family member or friend on a regular basis.

Attending to the daily needs of anyone unable to totally care for themselves can be demanding physically and draining emotionally. This group will focus on self-care and mutual support to encourage healthy boundaries and to discern appropriate care.

Resources from a variety of agencies will be shared. The initial monthly meeting is planned for Thursday, April 11 at 1:30pm in the Fireside Room.

PuyalluP United Women IN Faith — Meets monthly (date varies) @ 10:30 am

Puyallup United Women in Faith (PUWF) is a fellowship of women who meet here at Puyallup UMC. As a community, their purpose is to know God; to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.

Throughout the year, PUWF offers various activities which build on their purpose. An annual “yearbook” with a list of their activities can be found on the PUWF table in Wesley Hall. All women (she/her, they/them) of the church are welcome. To be put in touch with a group leader, email the church office.

PUWF joins the 500,000-member national UWF organization in supporting programs in the United States and around the world, improving the lives of women, children, youth, and their communities. In Pierce County, we help support associations like the Puyallup Food Bank, OASIS Youth Center, Associated Ministries, Family Renewal Shelter, St. Francis House, Good Samaritan Hospital’s S.T.A.R.T. program, and more. For further information about United Women in Faith as a whole check out the website

Quilters Group — Tuesdays @ 10:00 am

Our Quilters group meets every Tuesday morning in person at the church at 10:00 am.

Members gather to chat and support one another while designing and sewing beautiful quilts. Each year these quilts are blessed and distributed to non-profits throughout the state.

Reach out if you’re interested in this opportunity for ministry, sewing, and fellowship.

Christian experience class — 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month @ 10:15 aM

Our Christian Experience small group meets on the first and third Sundays of the month. This hybrid class is held simultaneously on Zoom and in the church Library.

Different people will offer group prompts at each gathering, and discussions will adapt and go where the Spirit leads the group in that moment. All are welcome to attend.

Book Study — Wednesdays @ 11:00 aM

David P. Gushee’s new book, Defending Democracy from its Christian Enemies, will be our resource for this book study led by Rev. Leslie Ann Knight.

Broadly surveying global politics and modern history, Gushee analyzes ways Christians have supported authoritarianism in the past and today, aiming to understand how and why this happens—and how to prevent it.

This study runs for eight weeks, from January 8-February 26, and will be at 11 am in person and on Zoom.

Lenten Study Class — Thursdays @ 11:00 aM

We’ll be offering a seven-week Lenten Study Class on Thursdays at 11 am in person and on Zoom, beginning on March 6 and running through April 17.

The Message of Jesus: Words that Changed the World, by Adam Hamilton, will be our material. Six of the most important themes in Jesus’s teachings will be explored, including the Kingdom of God, the Sermon on the Mount, the parables, the I Am sayings, and more.