March 5, 2020 Covid-19 Update

Dear friends in Christ,

Each day we are learning a little more about the spread of Covid-19 in our state.  The staff and leadership of Puyallup UMC are actively monitoring the situation and wanted to send you an update on our plans to respond to this virus. 

The Pierce County Health Department reports as of this afternoon that there are no cases of the Covid-19 virus in the county.  However, the Washington Department of Health reminds us that the risk of exposure is increasing in Washington state.  They suggest that the best way to protect yourselves is by doing the following: 

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash and wash your hands.

  • Clean and disinfect objects and surfaces.

  • Stay at home and away from others if you are sick.

With the risk increasing, this is a good time to also stock up on your basic items like food, daily household items, and refill your medications in case you need to remain in your home for several weeks. 

Because there are no current cases in the county, we are still planning on having church on Sunday morning and the concert later that afternoon.  If you are sick or fragile, we encourage you to stay home.  You can listen or watch sermons online on our website as well as our Facebook page.  These are usually uploaded by Sunday evening.  If you plan to stay home, please let us know so we do not worry.

On Sunday, we will have sanitizers as you enter the sanctuary. We will be taking additional precautions such also asking people to not hug or shake hands; we will not pass the offering plates; will we not have communion at least for the next month (maybe longer); and we will be asking people to use hand sanitizer before taking anything from the fellowship table. 

Keith Jenkins, our Office Manager, is developing a plan in case a person who visits our building is confirmed to have the Covid-19 virus.  I will be meeting with a few members of our leadership in the next couple of days to discuss a plan for if (when) we need to cancel our normal activities and to care for the most vulnerable in our community.

We will continue to monitor the situation and put our plans into action as needed.  Please watch your email for updates and pass along the information to those who do not have, read, or check their emails. 

As always, we encourage every member to make decisions about coming to church that is in the best interest of their health. 

May God be with you today, and always.

Pastor Cara