March 11, 2020 COVID-19 Update

Dear Friends in Christ,

The most common phrase in Scripture is “Do not be afraid.” We hear this phrase whenever we read a text that has messengers or God greeting people for the first time. In this time of uncertainly, we should heed these words and lean on our belief that no matter what we face, God is with us. While we do this, we also need to take precautions to care for the most vulnerable among us.

In responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, my primary concern continues to be for the 80% or more of our congregation that is in the high risk category—over the age of 60 and/or have underlying health issues (i.e. heart issues; chronic respiratory issues; diabetes; suppressed immune systems, etc). If you are in this category, it is highly recommended that you limit your public interaction as much as possible and avoid anyone who is sick.

At a press conference this morning, Governor Jay Inslee ordered groups over 250 to not meet in King, Snohomish and Pierce Counties. In addition, the Washington Department of Health brought recommendations for groups under 250 which include allowing for 6 feet distancing between attendees and other stringent health guidelines. Bruce Dammeier, Pierce County Executive, supports these orders and recommendations. 

For these reasons, Puyallup UMC will take the following steps to protect our members: 

    • In person worship is cancelled for the next three weeks. An online devotional will be provided and uploaded for members on Sunday morning via our website and Facebook page. We will also send out an email each week with links to these items.  If you are currently not signed up for our email list, you can do so by going to our web page and click on News. Enter your name and email address and click Sign Up to be added to our list. 

    • All necessary business meetings will be conducted via email or online.

    • All Puyallup UMC groups and classes will NOT meet in our building beginning today. Groups are encouraged to stay connected through email, phone calls, and online meetings.

    • For the remainder of the week, there will be limited access to the building. Please call the church office before you come to the church. 

    • Only community groups that have essential functions in the community will continue to meet in our building (i.e. Puyallup Playcare Center; 12-step groups; Tax Aid). 

Our congregation provides more than worship on a weekly basis. For many in our local church, worship is one of the few times they can gather for social interaction. Without this opportunity, they can begin to feel isolated which can intensify other health issues. In order to care for these and other vulnerable members of the congregation, Pastor Cara and the Care Team are staying in contact with our homebound, hospitalized, and sick members and friends via phone to offer support and prayer. If you are ill or are diagnosed with COVID-19, please call the church office so we can offer support.

You can help by:

  • Run Errands/Make Meals: If you are not in the high risk category and are willing to help run errands or make meals for those who are ill or cannot leave their homes, please email Pastor Cara and/or Julie Callen. When a need arises, we will reach out to you.

  • Make Calls: We encourage all members to regularly check in with one another. We will be developing small groups to ensure that everyone has a connection to the congregation while we are not meeting in person.

  • Give: Please continue to offer your gifts and pledges so that we can continue the work of the church in this critical time. Whatever else is happening, we must still meet our bills. In addition, the Church Council approved continuing to pay all staff regardless of whether or not they work during this time. You can send your gifts to the church office via the mail or you can give online at our website or by downloading the Give Plus app on your mobile phone. If you need helping setting this up, please call the Church Office so someone can help you.

  • Pray: Please be in prayer for all of those who are anxious about this situation; government leaders and first responders; those who have been infected and are ill; and for those who are mourning the loss of loved ones who have died as a result of this global outbreak. If you have a prayer request, please call or send an email to Pastor Cara.

Also remember that this is a disease that has no borders. While it originated in China, our neighbors and friends of South East Asian background are not responsible for the illness or its spread. Remember that God calls us to love ALL our neighbors and treat each person with the respect that a child of God deserves.

If you need to reach Pastor Cara, please call the church office at 253-845-0547 and leave a message.

May the God of love surround you with peace in this time.

In Christ,

Pastor Cara