Rev. Cara Scriven, Lead Pastor
Rev. Melinda Giese,
Min. of Discipleship & Pastoral Care
Friends in Christ,
It has been almost two years since we closed our doors because of the COVID-19 pandemic. A lot has changed over the last few years. With the development of vaccines, better masking techniques, increased ventilation, and good hygiene, we are better equipped to deal with the COVID-19 virus. For this, we are truly grateful.
With the announcement of the end of the mask mandate by both the state and the county, the Reopening Team met on Monday, March 7th. As we discussed what the next best steps were, we considered both the science, care and concern for our most vulnerable, and the exhaustion of many of our members. After much discussion, the team voted to retain our masking and vaccination (or negative test within 72 hours) requirement so that we can provide a better worship experience by adding congregational singing. The team also voted to no longer require pre-registration for worship.
When attending in person worship, we ask all members to wear either a surgical, KN95 or N95 mask when in our building. If you do not have a mask, we will provide one for you. Members and guests who do not wish to sing, do not need to do so! If these changes lead anyone to feel uncomfortable with in person worship, we encourage you to check out our livestream service which is available for anyone to participate in from home or even on vacation!
While several members have asked about when fellowship time and nursery care will begin, our team has decided to wait to implement these Sunday morning opportunities. Two reasons influenced our decision: First, the team felt that the best way to proceed is to relax protocols gradually. This will allow us to monitor any outbreaks that occur and change practices if necessary. Second, both opportunities require the hiring of staff or the reformation of teams. This will simply take time to accomplish. We ask members to be patient as we slowly reconstitute teams in a variety of ministry areas.
Finally, the team also voted to open our entire building to Puyallup UMC small groups to begin meeting again. Participants in groups will need to be masked and vaccinated (or have a negative test within 72 hours). Once in their assigned room people may remove their masks IF all members who are present that day are comfortable doing so. The office will provide portable air purifiers for rooms that are in use. We also encourage groups to open windows to provide additional airflow whenever possible.
The Reopening Team will review these protocols again in four weeks and adjust as necessary. If you have any concerns or questions regarding these decisions, please reach out to any one of our team members: Julie Callen, Ginny Christensen, Char Davenport, Gloria Fletcher, Brian Garrett, Linda Henry, Jill Poleskie, Barbara Wilcox, and Sharon Wischmeier.