Rev. Cara Scriven
Lead Pastor
One of the most difficult things about this pandemic is the changing nature of what we know about COVID-19 and the best methods to protect ourselves and our community from the virus. As scientific understanding grows, vaccinations increase, and best practices are developed, reopening plans must change. Puyallup UMC’s Reopening Team does their best to stay abreast to these constant revisions.
Last week, our Reopening Team met to discuss some recent changes as well as best practices for reopening. In our conversation, we made the following recommendations and changes to our plan.
One: Doing No Harm
We continue to hold to the belief that we are required as people of faith to do no harm. Because of this, we have held off gathering for worship and small groups for over 18 months. We know this has been especially difficult for our members.
As we discussed reopening, our team was mindful that we needed to do everything we could to bring our community together again while also holding to our value to do no harm. For this reason, the Trustees have approved an update to our furnace for the sanctuary so that we can increase the amount of outside air in our space. This will reduce the number of aerosols which can carry the virus from being recycled into the air. Based on recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), we also will be upgrading our sanctuary, Wesley Hall, and Fireside Room furnace filters to MERV 13 or higher which will increase our ability to filter out virus particles.
The Reopening Team reaffirmed their decision to require all members to sign in for contact tracing purposes and to wear masks (5 years and older) when in our building. While case numbers remain high, we will not allow shared food or drink in the building during small groups or worship. Exceptions will be made for personal glasses of water and any food needed for medical reasons.
In addition, our Reopening Team expressed the importance of vaccination in reducing the spread and severity of COVID-19. Unlike King County, Pierce County has yet to require a vaccination (or negative test) to enter some businesses and events. However, the Reopening Team is discussing whether this is a faithful step forward for doing no harm. While we continue to weigh the pros and cons of a requirement like this, the team does strongly encourage and highly recommend that anyone who enters our facility is vaccinated.
Two: Small Groups to Begin October 4th
The Reopening Team continues to use CovidActNow to determine the risk level in our county. Using this resource, our team revised our plan to allow small groups to meet indoors in the red risk level. Thus, our congregation’s small groups can begin meeting in our building the week of October 4th. Currently, we will only have the Fireside Room available during business hours and while the preschool is operating. Other rooms can be opened in the evening depending on staff availability and the size of the group. Wesley Hall will not be available until the remodel is complete as the pews are being stored in this space.
Groups that would like to meet in person will need to contact Keith in the office with the name of the group, main contact person, and at least two proposed meeting times. The office will consult with the pastors, review the schedule, and will confirm with the group contact days and/or times available.
Three: Worship Beginning Soon
While the exact date of completion of the remodel is still unknown, the church staff are planning for in person worship to begin in early November. A date will be set when we have a better sense of when the remodel will be complete. You can expect to sign up for worship either online with a link on our main web page or by calling the church office. The number of available seats will depend on which risk level we are in. The lower the risk the more seats we will open until everyone can worship together.
When we do begin in person worship, we will offer one service at 11am for 3-4 weeks, to allow the technology team to work out any issues. After this initial period, we will offer an additional service at 9am.
We will pass along the start date and details on where to find the livestream, recordings, and how to RSVP for in person worship through our electronic newsletters, the Circuit Rider, and the Carry Out.
Update: Sanctuary Remodel
Finally, our sanctuary remodel continues to move along albeit slowly. We currently have carpet and tile laid on the main floor of the sanctuary, pews have been refurbished, pew chairs have been ordered and should arrive soon, and technological equipment has been purchased. We are still working on obtaining a permit from the City of Puyallup to begin the building of the ramp, laying new cabling for the technological equipment, and building the new audio-visual table. While this project is not moving as fast as we had hoped, we are making progress.
If you have any questions and/or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to Pastor Melinda, Keith Jenkins, or myself at the church office (253-845-0547). We look forward to seeing you in person very soon.