Rev. Melinda Giese, Min. of Discipleship & Pastoral Care
Back in June, I thought Pastor Cara and I had written our last mid-week pastoral reflection. While these pastoral reflections helped us share with you throughout the long months of the pandemic, we needed to change our focus to planning in-person gatherings and a safe start to worship. We looked forward to the next stage of reopening with anticipation and some relief, feeling like we were in the final stretch of the Covid roller coaster and might even be able to get off this ride altogether!
As we began holding the Meet the Pastor small groups in July, we enjoyed a taste of something closer to normal church life. Even though we all wore masks outside, we connected to one another in-person, through conversations and eye contact, through tones of voice and laughter. We also were able to hold small memorials and graveside services. I met some people in-person for the first time, even though I have been a pastor here for over a year. Church started to find a new rhythm.
But as Pastor Cara and I watched Piece County case numbers steeply rise throughout July, our stomachs began to sink. We’ve become practiced at reading Covid data, and we know that rising numbers mean our hospitals are once again filling up. Rising numbers mean more preventable deaths of loved ones, more burdens placed on our exhausted health care workers, and more need for caution for both vaccinated and unvaccinated people. We realized the Covid roller coaster was not over yet.
On Monday, you received Pastor Cara’s letter communicating that the church is closed again while we wait for our Covid case numbers to come down in Pierce County. We can imagine how you felt reading that letter, because we know how incredibly frustrating and heartbreaking this setback feels. We know you all want to get off this roller coaster too. We know it’s been 17 months of this, and we all feel tired and worn out.
Whatever you are feeling today, please know we understand, and we believe with all our hearts that God understands too. To the best of our ability, we will be right here alongside you through this new roller coaster stage of the pandemic, looking for God in the midst of these ups and downs. If you are in a spiritual place to pray, we ask you to join us in holding the entire congregation in your prayers for care and strength, peace and resilience.
We also remember these words from Psalm 139, reminding us of God’s presence with us everywhere and in each moment, now and always. “Where could I go to get away from you spirit? Where could I go to escape your presence? If I went up to heaven, you would be there. If I went down to the grave, you would be there too. If I could fly on the wings of dawn, stopping to rest only on the far side of the ocean—even there your hand would guide me; even there your strong hand would hold me tight!”
My prayer for you this day is that you would feel comfort in the abiding presence of God. Throughout all of life’s twists and turns, may we trust that God’s hand guides us and holds us tight. And may we continue to extend God’s love and care to one another and our neighbors as we get through this roller coaster ride together.