Thank you for joining us for worship, we’re so glad you’re here today!
Puyallup UMC is an inclusive community that affirms that every person is a beloved child of God, endowed with dignity, value, and beauty. We welcome all people into the life and ministry of our church.
Feel free to explore our website, later to learn more about our congregation.
For now, we’d love to know who you are! Please fill out our Connect Card which is handed out in the service bulletin.
These can be placed in the offering plate in the back of the sanctuary. Or you can fill one out later online at
FAMily Ministries
Our Nursery is available for children 4 years old and younger. Please see an usher for more information.
Other young people between the ages of 5 and 18 are welcome to join our F3: Faith, Fun, Focus class, where they get to interact through fun activities that relate to the weekly message.
Our F3 attendees join us in worship to hear the Scripture reading before being dismissed by the pastor to leave for F3. They’re then led by our Director of Children’s Ministries to meet in our Fireside Room, which is separated from the sanctuary by a glass wall, and can see into worship through the glass. Contact an usher if you have any questions.
If you have a prayer request you would like to share, you can fill out a Prayer Request Card in the pew and hand it to one of our ushers during the Special Music. The pastors will read it aloud in the prayers for that day.
Or you can visit and submit your requests there. There you will have the option to keep your request private, shared with the pastors only, or sent to the prayer chain.
Hearing assist headsets are available from an usher.
Accessibility questions? Contact the church office at 253-845-0547.
Thank you for eliminating perfumes and strong scents, as some people have significant sensitivities.
Guest are NOT obligated to give.
Members of Puyallup UMC give their offering as an expression of our gratitude and reliance on God. You are invited to participate as you feel called by God. If you would like to give today, please place your gift in the offering boxes at the back of the sanctuary on your way out.
You can also give online at, or by mailing your check to the church.
Coffee Hour
Join us after the service for fellowship in Wesley Hall directly across from the sanctuary.
There we share in some refreshments, coffee, and conversation. All are welcome!